Article dans la Tribune de Genève et Signé Genève
Et une double publication: dans la Tribune de Genève et dans Signé Genève! Deux articles en un écrits par les soins de Igor de Plumes...
"Cyclopèdes" (animated movie)
The animated movie I created with Mathieu Epiney of Pleine Pomme studio (Mathieu's structure) is available online! It's a homage to...

Illustration "Steve C."
Final version of the art commission for Steve C. As as I said in an earlier post, he's an extremely supportive childhood friend. He...

Article dans Urbanity
Petit article dans le magazine Urbanity, dédié comme son nom l'indique à la vie urbaine en Suisse Romande. Pour avoir un meilleur aperçu...

Sketch of a childhood friend
I met Steve when I was 4 years old and he's one of the few people who supported me to the fullest during the crowdfunding campaign of my...

I'M BACK !!!!!!
Well, my former website was hacked and I had to come back quickly. So here I am! I hope you guys will like this new version !... These...